Oyster Extract "Testimonials" about good health!
OY-EX is great for maintaining good health along with a good nutritional diet and moderate regular exercise!

Young active adults can benefit from OY-EX. Competitive athletes appreciate the good results of using OY-EX along with their regular exercise and diet regimen.

Younger women in particular can benefit from OY-EX. Some women have noticed significant results in increased energy and healthier skin and hair color.

OY-EX is a proven benefit for older adults who are experiencing a lack of energy or loss of appetite.
OY-EX is well known and respected by Japanese Senior Citizens who have experienced remarkable results!!
I have nothing but good things to say about the (OY-EX) pills. I have some liver trouble, so I was very interested in the testing done at OY-EX for people with compromised liver systems. I have been taking OY-EX for about 6 months, and I can honestly say that my blood test before taking OY-EX were quite discouraging, but after 6 months of OY-EX, careful diet and exercise, my latest blood test results are greatly improved. In fact, my doctor is confused, and asks what I am doing! I just smile, and tell her, "Well, it must be clean living!!"
When I first began taking OY-EX, it was only available directly from Japan. But now that it is going to be sold domestically, not only will it be more convenient for me to buy OY-EX, but it will also be a lot easier for me to share my "good news and results" with other friends and family who can benefit from taking these "little pills"!!
Jeanne - Oklahoma, USA (60+)
After about 3 months of taking 3 OY-EX tablets each day, I noticed that my energy level has increased. I am normally anemic, and after taking OY-EX, I did not experience the loss of energy I noticed when diagnosed as anemic.
I also have noticed an improvement in my reading vision, which was at the point of requiring Bi-Focal glasses after long periods of time at work in front of a computer screen. Now, I can see much better!
I really love my OY-EX!!!
Lynnette - California, USA (43 year old female)
I play competitive Tennis. So do my children. My 15 year old son was having difficulty gaining weight and muscle mass. He began taking OY-EX over the summer, along with his normal Tennis practice and regular diet. Within about 3 months, we noticed that he had gained some muscle mass in his legs, and his endurance while playing had improved significantly.
Hary - California, USA (45 year old male)
I have been taking OY-EX for about 6 months. The single most important thing I have noticed, is an increase in energy. I also believe I am resting better at night, because I feel more rested after only 5-6 hours of sleep, where as before I began taking OY-EX, I was very tired and droopy feeling for several hours after waking up.
OY-EX is very easy to take, and compared to the cost of eating fresh oysters, it is very convenient to take 1 tablet after each meal. I also take crystallized Vitamin C. Just the OY-EX and Vitamin C alone have given me increased energy and I believe a good healthy condition. In spite of many people I know having colds and flu, I have had no symptoms this winter!
In my opinion, OY-EX really works!
David - California, USA (42 year old male)