Oyster Extract "Research" for your good health!

Trace Nutrients Information
List of Symposium Proceedings on Trace Nutrients Research
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For over twenty years, OY-EX (Maker of OY-EX Health Supplements) has been a leader in Nutrition and Health Research. Focusing on the effects of Trace Nutrients, OY-EX has held annual Symposiums with extensive detailed lectures, discussions and cutting edge research.
Click the link above to view the previous twenty years annual Symposiums, with detailed summaries of each conference. Where possible, break-out discussions have been further summarized for your review. Please click a Symposium Link to access the information. We have carefully translated the information from Japanese to English, for your convenience. However, please realize that to maintain the original intent of the speakers, we have refrained from correcting minor grammatical differences between the two languages. We hope you appreciate the reasons we chose not to overtly edit the original intent of the speakers.
Thank you.
OY-EX Health Supplements

Seriously deficient mineral levels observed.
Moderately deficient mineral levels observed.
It is easy to recognize the importance of Trace Elements in our diet. The need for adequate levels of ZINC (Zn) CALCIUM (Ca) COPPER (Cu) and MANGANESE (Mn) are essential in the prevention and/or treatment of most major diseases.
Added Comments:
In addition to the four critical minerals (Zn, Ca, Cu, Mn) noted in the chart above, other trace elements such as sodium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, selenium, lithium and cobalt all contribute either moderately or significantly in maintaining good overall health or are necessary in the successful prevention and/or treatment of most major types of diseases which effect people around the world.