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Current News which
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Blood and Immune products.
CURRENT NEWS-February 4, 2005
News Articles of Interest, related to the usage of Oyster Extract Health Supplements.
The Immune System is your natural ability to protect your body from disease. Zinc activates the correct function of your immune cells. Studies show that people who suffer from Zinc deficiency nearly always have a decreased immune system and are subject to infections and illness.
Each month, OY-EX.com will provide an interesting article of topical discussion regarding medical issues related to liver disease. OY-EX is an important part of a regime to maintain good health, including the best vitamins and minerals found in nature to provide a healthy liver and immune system.
Children's Drug Can Cause Liver Damage
By Celia Hall, Medical Editor
February 4, 2005
The parents of hyperactive children who take a drug to control their condition were warned yesterday of a possible risk of serious liver damage.
The drug, Straterra or atomoxetine, was launched in 2002 and became available last summer in Britain for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD.
In America about two million children and adults have used it while in Britain it has been used by about 10,000 patients to date.
Trials of the drug, made by Eli Lilly, found no indication of liver problems in 6,000 patients who took part in the research.
But yesterday the Medicine and Healthcare Regulatory Agency issued new advice following a review of the drug by the Committee of Safety on Medicines (CSM).
They said they believed the risk of liver poisoning was one in 50,000.
The American Food and Drug Federation issued a similar warning in December.
Prof Gordon Duff, chairman of the CSM, said: "Parents should not be dissuaded from having their children treated with this medicine, but it is right they should be aware of possible, but rare, side effects."
"Parents who are concerned should discuss the subject with their doctor. They should not stop treatment with the drug before doing so."
Prof Duff added: "We have advised doctors that if they suspect liver problems are occurring, treatment should be stopped and an alternative treatment initiated."
More research will be carried out to find out what is causing the problem, which may also help to identify patients at most risk.
Itchy skin, dark urine, abdominal tenderness, jaundice and unexplained "flu-like" symptoms can all be a sign of liver problems. In Britain 67 adverse reactions to the drug have been reported by GPs, including three reports of liver problems.